
Showing posts from June, 2020

2020 is... a mess

Since my last blog post, things have only gotten worse. We all thought things would be getting better by now, but its not looking that way.  May 25, the day George Floyd died. The day America snapped. The “Black Lives Matter“ movement has been around since 2013 with the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but has become a major thing over the past couple months. The people of this country, The United States of America, have had enough with racial injustice and police brutality. This country constantly talks about being “free” and that this is “the land of the free”. However, until EVERY race can live in this country equally, that statement is false. Something needs to be done, I’m tired of seeing Police abuse their power and people being killed simply because of the color of their skin. My generation, Gen Z, has the power to change the world. My Generation was raised on books and movies about overthrowing the government, and that’s exactly what we will do. Gen Z is the most racially diverse ge