2020 is... a mess

Since my last blog post, things have only gotten worse. We all thought things would be getting better by now, but its not looking that way. 

May 25, the day George Floyd died. The day America snapped. The “Black Lives Matter“ movement has been around since 2013 with the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but has become a major thing over the past couple months. The people of this country, The United States of America, have had enough with racial injustice and police brutality. This country constantly talks about being “free” and that this is “the land of the free”. However, until EVERY race can live in this country equally, that statement is false. Something needs to be done, I’m tired of seeing Police abuse their power and people being killed simply because of the color of their skin. My generation, Gen Z, has the power to change the world. My Generation was raised on books and movies about overthrowing the government, and that’s exactly what we will do. Gen Z is the most racially diverse generation, ever. We are different from every other generation before us, we want change, we want justice. And until the innocent lives taken by police are given justice, and the government changes, we will continue to rebel. Black Lives Matter. 

Since the murder of George Floyd, people have basically forgotten the threat of Covid-19. This virus has not gone anywhere, it has actually gotten worse. As of now, there are 122,610 Covid-19 deaths in the United States alone. In the past week or two, cases have been rising by the THOUSANDS in many states. Governors are starting to loosen the restrictions in their states, which causes a level of concern for some. Some states are starting to legally require facial coverings in public, which is a controversial topic. I personally think that if you want people in your state to wear them, then they need to be legally required, and that law has to be enforced. I’d rather them require masks, makes everything easier in my opinion. Is my opinion different than most? Probably, but that’s my opinion. At this point, I’m not sure if I’m even going to have a halfway normal Senior year of High school. My Senior year is on the line, if they have to require face masks and social distancing in order for me to go back and have a traditional, normal last year of High school, then require it. 


Overall, this year has been absolutely crazy. I ended my Junior year of High school thru a laptop, nowhere near my school. And I’ve been in quarantine for almost 100 days now. It truly is a crazy time we are living in. If you’ve read this far, I just want to say thank you. Have a wonderful rest of your day. 


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