4th of July 2019

Yesterday was the 4th of July!!! YAY! Happy Birthday America! The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love the fireworks, the food, and just getting to hang out with family. When I use to live in the country of Prosser, my family always did our own fireworks show. But now that we live in city limits of Connell we can't really do much. Technically ALL fireworks are banned here, but that doesn't stop anyone from doing it. My entire neighborhood was lighting fireworks all night. I will admit that my family lit a few fireworks off, but no harm was done. You just cant really have the 4th of July without lighting at least one firework, even if it is illegal....
I also love just relaxing by a fire once all the crazy fireworks are done. Once its nice and calm and cool outside. I'd say just sitting by the fire and roasting marshmallows is a family tradition of mine for the 4th of July.
Late night Marshmallow roasting in the back yard 
But then getting up the next day is the rough part. You party all day, stay up super late, and then don't want to ever get out of bed the next day. If I could've I probably would have slept until about noon. But there was a lot of clean-up to do outside so I woke up around 9am.
This was my first 4th of July with my photography camera so I actual got some decent pictures! Usually when you take firework pictures on a phone they turn out terrible. So this year I sat on my roof with my camera and took pictures with that instead. The pictures could still be better, I'm not use to taking pictures like that. It's very tricky to get the settings right and still be able to see the fireworks.

   Anyways, I just thought I'd make a blog post about this because I only posted about 7 of these pictures on my Instagram and wanted to put more for everyone to see. Thanks for reading my ranting (if you did) Let me know which pictures is your favorite or if you have any tips for me. Thanks!


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