The Start of 2020.....

Wow, not only has it been FOREVER since I've done a blog post, but the start of this year has been a disaster (in my opinion). We started the year off with Australia being on fire. Thousands of acres of land and animals destroyed and killed. The fires lasted 210 days, officially being declared extinguished on February 12, 2020. It's estimated that 1 billion animals and at least 34 people were killed in those 210 days.
Australian bushfires: Six still missing as rain brings some relief ...
Australian fire rages
On January 3, 2020 a United States drone targeted and killed an Iran general, Qasem Soleimani, along with 9 other Iranian people. I do not know a lot about the actual events that happened between Iran and the United States, but eventually there were rumors spreading that World War III was going to start. It spread throughout social media like wildfire. Teens were saying there was going to be a draft and the world was going to fall into yet another war. It was a very confusing time in the United States.  
By killing Soleimani, the US takes a dramatic step with unknown ...
Wreckage of the vehicle Qasem was in when killed 
The next major thing to devastate the world was very unexpected. The death of one of the most loved and well known basketball players, Kobe Bryant, along with his daughter Gianna and 7 other people. On January 26, 2020 they all loaded into a helicopter in Orange County, California. Kobe, Gianna, and her teammates (along with their parents) were headed to a basketball game at the Mamba Sports Academy. Then, sometime into the flight the helicopter started to rapidly descend towards the ground, making contact with the hillside around 9:45 am. Debris was spread out across a 600 foot radius, with not a single survivor to be found. Medical professionals determined the cause of death for everyone was blunt trauma. I remember later that day, my dad yelling from the den while watching the news that Kobe Bryant had died in a Helicopter crash. My mom and I were speechless, I immediately grabbed my phone and typed in Kobe's name into Google, hoping that I wouldn't see what my dad had reported. But sure enough millions of articles and news reports popped up reporting the death of the beloved Kobe Bryant. I could not believe it. The next few days were devastating for the whole world. People in every country mourned the death of superstar Kobe Bryant. Huge memorials were made within hours of the news. Videos and pictures were posted everywhere, honoring the great Mamba. How could this 41 year old man, and multiple teens be taken from us so soon, and unexpectedly. This is a day that the world will never forget.
Kobe Bryant dead in California helicopter crash
Kobe Bryant 💜 You will be missed
This next event started in December of 2019 but has just now become a huge deal. The spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has thrown people into a panic all across the world. It started in China in 2019 as just a small virus effecting a very small amount of people. Over the next few months it got worse and worse, killing thousands of people in China alone. It then slowly started spreading to other country's, causing panic. It first arrived in America in Seattle Washington as just a couple people infected with it. No one was really worried at that point. Then as the weeks went by, more and more people and states got the virus. Now, March 31, 2020, and there is 42,114 deaths world wide. There are 3,867 deaths in the United States and it continues to rise every minute. People are losing their minds, stores have been cleared out of almost everything food and cleaning related. People have been seen buying pounds of food and dozens of packages of toilet paper. Almost all activities have been cancelled. March Madness, the Olympics, Church, School, and countless other things have been cancelled. As of right now, my school is planning on returning on April 27th. But everyday that seems to get more and more unlikely. Some schools have already cancelled for the rest of the year. Some people think that society is overreacting. And I agree, that those people buying an entire stores supply of toilet paper, are overreacting. I think that towns and states being shut down and people not aloud to leave their houses is necessary to stop this virus. I do not think the government is overreacting. If anything, the United States is  under-reacting. And to all those people not listening to the social distancing guidelines and still leaving their house for unnecessary reasons, stop. You are not helping, you are only making the situation worse. Stay home, stay healthy, don't be an idiot.
I'm a Doctor's Husband, and I'm Begging You to Keep Her Safe | Time
Coronavirus Doctors 
I honestly don't know how life is going to be after all this passes, if it ever does. The world may never recover. Who knows what April has in store for the world. 
