My frog - Dot

About 4 years ago my dad brought me home a poison dart frog for my birthday. I believe it was for my 11th or 12th birthday. I had my friend Lainie over to stay the night. I was so excited! The frog was in a big terrarium with the huge exotic plant. I sat there looking at it for about 15 minutes when I realized it hadn't moved and it didn't look too good. 
Dendrobates auratus, poison dart frog.jpg
Frog my dad brought home 4 years ago
I called my dad over to ask what was wrong with it. He opened the terrarium and gently touched it, it didn't do anything. We could tell it was still alive because its throat was moving. My dad put some bugs in the terrarium and we went to bed hoping it was hungry or just scared and would recover in the morning. When we woke up it was dead, my dad was furious that we had wasted almost $200 for a dead frog. We came to the conclusion that the pet store gave us an unhealthy frog OR the frog got too stressed from all the moving. I wasn't too sad because I hadn't gotten attached to it, id only had it for 2 days. We kept the terrarium in case we wanted to get another. I kept the exotic plant alive all of that school year until we moved and then I forgot about it and it died. I still kept the terrarium because my parents thought that maybe we could sell it. Turns out nobody wants an empty terrarium. We stored it in my room trying to think of what we could do with it. About a year and a half passed and it was the middle of the winter of 2017. My dad went outside to find something and he comes back in with a little frog. It was a little skinny because its winter and there isn't many bugs. I know that you are suppose to leave wildlife where it is and not try to domesticate wild animals but if I hadn't he would've died. We put some dirt and plants in the terrarium and the old water dish and put him in it. He was confused at first as to why he was in this glass box but he is completely use to it now. I don't really know why I named him Dot, just sounds like a frog name. Dot is no longer scared of me, sometimes he will look right at me and smile, like actually smile! In winter I buy super worms from Pet Co. (enhanced meal worms) and in summer I capture bugs outside and put them in his terrarium. Its very easy to take care of a frog, just make sure there is water in the dish, feed the frog every other day or so, and spray the terrarium every once and a while. My parents wont let me get a snake or lizard so this is the next best thing. I already have a beta fish, guppies and a dog. I would suggest little frogs as pets, they are very good pets. Just not the ideal pet to handle a lot, frogs are not meant to touch. I really really want a Ball Python! They are gorgeous (in my opinion). I love the "Panda Pied" Ball Pythons and "Storm Trooper" Ball Pythons. If my mom would allow it i would have like 4 different snakes in my room right now. Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to comment down below. I love hearing form my readers.       

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Panda Pied 
Image result for stormtrooper ball python
Storm Trooper

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My frog Dot 


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