
Showing posts from June, 2018

Backyard Photography Session

Lily White Petunia  Sunlight streaming through bush Red Coleus  Mini Roses Sycamore Tree Vines growing up fence Jet stream of water I love to take pictures, even though I'm terrible at it. Flowers are kind of my thing I guess because that's what i usually take pictures of. I've never really had anything else to take pictures of except plants and friends. I'm thinking about saving up for a really nice camera to take pictures on, I just haven't decided if I would use it enough to make it worth the money. One of my favorite times to take pictures is when it is raining so you can see the rain drops on the plant. These pictures are not the best quality because I'm just using an Iphone 7 to take the pictures. My friend Sharita has a nice Nikon camera that she uses and her pictures are amazing! I signed up for photography as one of my electives next year so hopefully that will help me. If you have any ideas of what i should

My frog - Dot

About 4 years ago my dad brought me home a poison dart frog for my birthday. I believe it was for my 11th or 12th birthday. I had my friend Lainie over to stay the night. I was so excited! The frog was in a big terrarium with the huge exotic plant. I sat there looking at it for about 15 minutes when I realized it hadn't moved and it didn't look too good.  Frog my dad brought home 4 years ago I called my dad over to ask what was wrong with it. He opened the terrarium and gently touched it, it didn't do anything. We could tell it was still alive because its throat was moving. My dad put some bugs in the terrarium and we went to bed hoping it was hungry or just scared and would recover in the morning. When we woke up it was dead, my dad was furious that we had wasted almost $200 for a dead frog. We came to the conclusion that the pet store gave us an unhealthy frog OR the frog got too stressed from all the moving. I wasn't too sad because I hadn't gotten a

Pictures Girls Camp 2018

Caterpillar I found at our campsite Leigha and I in the creek Flower I found (my parents wedding flower) Left to right: Me, VeRena, Cheyenne posing on fallen log  Left to right: VeRena, Emily, Me at midnight in the tent laughing at something Leigha did Sorry I don't have more pictures, you're not allowed to have electronics so i only have a few that my friend Sharita took on here Nikon camera. If they ever put more pictures on a website like they did last year I will make sure to post more of them.  Note to all my readers- feel free to comment anything, maybe give me some tips about what I should be blogging.

Girls Camp 2018

If you are not one of my friends or someone I personally know then you probably don't know that I am LDS (Mormon). Every summer my church does a week long camping trip for all girls ages 12-18. You go as a 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year and a YCL (Young Camp Leader) 2 times. This year I was a 4th year so you go to camp a day early and go on an overnight hike. It's 7 miles up a mountain the first day and 7 miles down the next. Since its an overnight hike you have to carry a bunch of stuff with you. We had big hiking bag with all our supplies that we would need. They weighed about 30 lbs. The trail is very rocky and it was raining the entire time we were there so it was muddy. We started hiking a little before 1pm and got to the top a little after 5pm. The way up was extremely hard, people were slipping and our legs and backs hurt. Going up hill with a huge backpack is not easy- at all. Some people tried to stay positive, while others (including me) complained and wanted to


Hello readers. I've never done anything like this so excuse my awkwardness. Ever since I found out one of my friends had a blog, I decided that I wanted to make one also. First off, let me introduce myself. I'm Kamryn, I'm 15 years old and live in Washington. I play three different sport, Cross Country, Basketball, and Track & Field. My favorite season is winter, I hate hot weather. I love to go camping, play video games, and hang out with friends. My dream vacation would be siting on the beach in Hawaii or Australia. I'm a very shy person when you very first meet me, but once we are best friends you will find out I'm crazy! I'm creating this blog just to share memories, I will be posting my adventures and possibly my life problems (everyone has them, it's just if they are willing to share them). I will definitely not be posting daily, unless I go on vacation everyday (not going to happen). I also just don't have time to sit down everyday and create