Girls Camp 2018

If you are not one of my friends or someone I personally know then you probably don't know that I am LDS (Mormon). Every summer my church does a week long camping trip for all girls ages 12-18. You go as a 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year and a YCL (Young Camp Leader) 2 times. This year I was a 4th year so you go to camp a day early and go on an overnight hike. It's 7 miles up a mountain the first day and 7 miles down the next. Since its an overnight hike you have to carry a bunch of stuff with you. We had big hiking bag with all our supplies that we would need. They weighed about 30 lbs. The trail is very rocky and it was raining the entire time we were there so it was muddy.
We started hiking a little before 1pm and got to the top a little after 5pm. The way up was extremely hard, people were slipping and our legs and backs hurt. Going up hill with a huge backpack is not easy- at all. Some people tried to stay positive, while others (including me) complained and wanted to go home. My friend Emily was very positive and told me that we might as well finish it. When we got to the top it was really foggy and still raining. Leigha (my best friend that I can't live without) decided to share a tent so we had to quickly set it up. It was so foggy that when you looked around you, it seemed you were all alone. Once we got our little tent up we quickly jumped in and closed zipped it closed. We thought that the tent would keep us dry and warm but we were wrong, the water was coming in through the seams and making a puddle in our tent. Our clothes and back packs were already soaked, and now there was a big puddle of water in our tent! We ate our dinner which consisted of beef jerky, trail mix, granola bars, almonds, and dry Top Ramen. Leigha some how managed to stay warm the entire night while I layed there convulsing because of how cold I was. I would say I got a total of 5 hours of solid sleep. When we woke up the rain had finally stopped and the fog was gone. When we emerged from the tent we could see our surroundings, it was beautiful! We were in a meadow with yellow flowers everywhere and pine trees bordered the entire thing. When we looked behind us you could see for miles, pine trees everywhere with a little layer of fog right on top of it. It was like something out of a movie, or book. When the sun started to come out everyone was cheering. We ate breakfast, took down tents, packed everything up and started the decent. If was still muddy but the way down only took about 2 hours. Emily, VeRena, and I kind of separated into our own group because we wanted to get to the bottom as fast as possible. We got there about 45 minutes earlier than everyone else. It felt so good to just take off my bag and sit in the grass. Once we were all there we loaded into cars and drove to the actual camp. It's about 30 minutes outside of Dayton Washington. When we got there everyone welcomed us and we got a big lunch. We settled in and set our cots up in our tents and lounged for the rest of that day. I'm not going to go through every day because that will be too long and it will bore you. I will just mention some of the highlights. At camp we do these little song things called "Ditties". If you don't kow what those are then look it up because I don't know how to explain it. Every ward sang one in the morning at the flag pole. My favorite one that my ward did was a "re-mix" of The Greatest Show (from the movie The Greatest Showman). The lyrics went- "Stake Leaders and campers this is the moment you've been waiting for. Oooooooooh. Been searching in your tent, wondering what your looking for. Ooooooooh. And buried under your tent there's a rock your can't ignore." Ditties are one of my favorite parts of Girls Camp. There is also free time for 2 hours a day where you can do just about whatever. There is a creek you can go tubeing in, crafts, zip line, water slide, hatchet throwing, etc. I mostly just hung around my camp ground and talked with friends but on Thursday I got in the creek with a couple people. At Girls Camp they also teach you thing like first aid, and how to start a fire. But the best time of Girls Camo by far is at night when everyone is in their tents. My ears stayed up until about 2 in the morning one day. We had 5 different tents set up with 5 girls in each tent. My tent was obnoxious, we were very loud. I put broccoli in Leigha's sleeping bag and when she found it she started throwing it at me. I wish Girls Camp lasted longer, but at the same time I'm fine with it. This year was so much fun and next year I will be a YCL. Can't wait for more memories!


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