
Hello readers. I've never done anything like this so excuse my awkwardness. Ever since I found out one of my friends had a blog, I decided that I wanted to make one also. First off, let me introduce myself. I'm Kamryn, I'm 15 years old and live in Washington. I play three different sport, Cross Country, Basketball, and Track & Field. My favorite season is winter, I hate hot weather. I love to go camping, play video games, and hang out with friends. My dream vacation would be siting on the beach in Hawaii or Australia. I'm a very shy person when you very first meet me, but once we are best friends you will find out I'm crazy! I'm creating this blog just to share memories, I will be posting my adventures and possibly my life problems (everyone has them, it's just if they are willing to share them). I will definitely not be posting daily, unless I go on vacation everyday (not going to happen). I also just don't have time to sit down everyday and create a blog post. I apologize for all terrible quality pictures I will post on here, I have a terrible camera. Anyways, enjoy my blog, hope you stick around.


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