Packwood Camping Trip

This weekend my family went on a camping trip to Packwood Washington. We have this little spot that we usually go to with a swimming hole. We planned on staying 4 nights but only made it 3, we were tired and ready to go home. It takes about 4 hours to get there, I just slept the entire time. We like camping in the mountains because the weather is extremely nice and everything is green and surrounded by pine trees (unlike where we live).
View while driving
Once we get to the campsite we have to set everything up, which is the worst part. Our site is down a small hill from the road so we have to walk everything down there. The site is too small to set up our big tent so we did 2 smaller ones. Since it is just a campsite in the middle of nowhere that someone made, there is no bathroom so we bring our own portable bathroom. The first thing we did after we set up all our stuff was go swimming in the water hole. There is a little trail that goes back into the woods a little and it opens up to Skate Creek, and right where our site is there is a really deep part that is big enough to swim and cliff jump into. The only problem is that it is really really cold! It stings to get in the water, my hands and toes were tingling. 
Me swimming in the water hole
Damon and Brutus playing on the shore

Left to right: Lauryn, Mom, Me

Brutus, Lauryn, Damon posing for a picture
I've heard that its good to get in really cold water for a short period of time, so hopefully I don't get sick. We mostly ate hot dogs, sausages and sandwiches for meals. I love roasting hot dogs, they taste way better. The rest of the trip we just hung out, played games, went swimming, shot guns at targets, and ate. 
The family playing a board game

Me shooting at targets

My face looks weird in this but oh well 
Then of coarse before we left I had to do some photography, as I've mentioned in my other posts, I love photography. I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted because the phone died. The first two pictures below are of Skate Creek, the water was a super vibrant baby blue color. The pictures took away most of the color, it was beautiful. 
Skate Creek

Skate Creek 

One of the many snails I found 

Flower that I cant find the name of. If anyone knows please tell me.



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