My Apology

I'm so sorry I haven't made a blog post in like forever. I told myself at least every week, but its been way more than that. Life has just been crazy lately, school and sports have kept me super busy. Not to mention all the homework I've had. School has been super stressful and I'm only 3 months into it. There has been a lot of drama in my social life and lots of confusion in my friend group. I feel like me and a couple of my friends are slowly drifting apart. I think we just need to all relax and make it through the school year without failing. On a more positive note, its Homecoming week! Today was pajama day and that's my favorite because its the one day i can have an excuse for looking terrible. I don't have a date to Homecoming so me and a couple of friends are just going to hang out at someones house and watch movies. I don't really like Homecoming (the dance) I like all the games and dress up days though.
I think I'll add a few pictures I took a couple of months just to make this post somewhat interesting.
I took these pictures from the porch in my backyard at sunset.

I absolutely love taking pictures of sunsets and sunrises but its hard to get the right angle, timing and lighting. I also just take my pictures on an Iphone 7, I'm hoping to get a professional photography camera sometime soon. I'm also taking a photography class next semester to hopefully my pictures will look better by the end of the school year.
Okay, I'm going to stop rambling, you probably got bored the first sentence of this post so if you are reading this then thank you! I will try to make another post about a recent hiking trip I went on that I got beautiful pictures from. Not sure when I'll get to it though so just bear with me. Anyways, thanks for reading about my random life.       


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