Update/Winter photography

It's been awhile since I have done a blog post. Last time I said I would be posting a lot more, so I guess that was a lie. My life has just been crazy these last couple of months. Basketball started around November 2018, so most of my focus was put into that. Then December 7th 2018 I tore my ACL in a home game. That was completely life changing. No sports for an entire year? That's ridiculous, I have to wait until next basketball season to get back into sports. I will miss my Sophomore track season and my Junior cross country season. I had the surgery to repair my ACL on January 15th 2019, I just started physical therapy a week ago. It's a very long process and I've missed a lot of school. But I think I'm progressing faster than most people. I just have to take it slow for now.     
Image result for progression is the key to success
I think that the recovery is adding to my stress at school. Everything just seems so much harder and a lot more stressful then the beginning of the year. I've never liked going to school, who does? But recently it's just been a struggle. The days seem so long and focusing on my class work is not easy. Another factor in that is probably friends and drama. There are just some toxic people around me that I need to cut out of my life. Not everyone that says they are your friends truly mean it. And don't even get me started on the male species (Sorry to any boys reading this). In my point of view, they are so confusing. But I'm not going to ramble on about boy problems. Most people could probably care less about my life problems so lets just move onto the photography. 
Winter is one of my favorite seasons to take pictures in. It is so pretty (especially in the snow). I started my photography class at school so hopefully my pictures will slowly get better. The 2nd day of photography class we got to go outside and take some pictures on our phones (we hadn't learned anything about the actual cameras yet). These next 3 pictures were taken on an Iphone 7+
Snow on a metal bench in the courtyard

Snow on a rail up the stairs
Snow in the rock bed
I took a lot more pictures in the 30 minutes we had but those were my favorites. We didn't start playing around with the actual cameras until like the 4th day. He explained how expensive they are and that we would have to pay for a replacement if we broke it which is $600 (no pressure). So far we've just been using the cameras in "Auto Intelligence" mode, which is pretty much for beginners that don't know a lot about cameras. Once we got to actually take the cameras outside I only got one picture (out of 8) that I actually liked.
View of part of the town from the school parking lot 
It's definitely not a very good picture, but keep in mind this is the first time I've ever even touched a camera other than my phone. (Camera used: Canon Rebel T6i) I would love to buy my own camera like this but they are so expensive, so maybe later in my life. The last set of pictures I'm going to share with you are just some simple ones I took this morning on my phone (and edited). 
Icicles hanging off car 
Tire tread in the snow 
Pine tree in the snow 
I think my favorite is probably the pine tree one. There is just something about pine trees in the snow that is super pretty. Anyways, that's all for this blog post. There will (hopefully) be another one sometime soon. Thanks, bye.



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