
2020 is... a mess

Since my last blog post, things have only gotten worse. We all thought things would be getting better by now, but its not looking that way.  May 25, the day George Floyd died. The day America snapped. The “Black Lives Matter“ movement has been around since 2013 with the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but has become a major thing over the past couple months. The people of this country, The United States of America, have had enough with racial injustice and police brutality. This country constantly talks about being “free” and that this is “the land of the free”. However, until EVERY race can live in this country equally, that statement is false. Something needs to be done, I’m tired of seeing Police abuse their power and people being killed simply because of the color of their skin. My generation, Gen Z, has the power to change the world. My Generation was raised on books and movies about overthrowing the government, and that’s exactly what we will do. Gen Z is the most racially diverse ge

The Start of 2020.....

Wow, not only has it been FOREVER since I've done a blog post, but the start of this year has been a disaster (in my opinion). We started the year off with Australia being on fire. Thousands of acres of land and animals destroyed and killed. The fires lasted 210 days, officially being declared extinguished on February 12, 2020. It's estimated that 1 billion animals and at least 34 people were killed in those 210 days. Australian fire rages On January 3, 2020 a United States drone targeted and killed an Iran general, Qasem Soleimani, along with 9 other Iranian people. I do not know a lot about the actual events that happened between Iran and the United States, but eventually there were rumors spreading that World War III was going to start. It spread throughout social media like wildfire. Teens were saying there was going to be a draft and the world was going to fall into yet another war. It was a very confusing time in the United States.   Wreckage of the vehicle Qa

4th of July 2019

Yesterday was the 4th of July!!! YAY! Happy Birthday America! The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love the fireworks, the food, and just getting to hang out with family. When I use to live in the country of Prosser, my family always did our own fireworks show. But now that we live in city limits of Connell we can't really do much. Technically ALL fireworks are banned here, but that doesn't stop anyone from doing it. My entire neighborhood was lighting fireworks all night. I will admit that my family lit a few fireworks off, but no harm was done. You just cant really have the 4th of July without lighting at least one firework, even if it is illegal.... I also love just relaxing by a fire once all the crazy fireworks are done. Once its nice and calm and cool outside. I'd say just sitting by the fire and roasting marshmallows is a family tradition of mine for the 4th of July. Late night Marshmallow roasting in the back yard  But then getting up the next day

Update/Winter photography

It's been awhile since I have done a blog post. Last time I said I would be posting a lot more, so I guess that was a lie. My life has just been crazy these last couple of months. Basketball started around November 2018, so most of my focus was put into that. Then December 7th 2018 I tore my ACL in a home game. That was completely life changing. No sports for an entire year? That's ridiculous, I have to wait until next basketball season to get back into sports. I will miss my Sophomore track season and my Junior cross country season. I had the surgery to repair my ACL on January 15th 2019, I just started physical therapy a week ago. It's a very long process and I've missed a lot of school. But I think I'm progressing faster than most people. I just have to take it slow for now.      I think that the recovery is adding to my stress at school. Everything just seems so much harder and a lot more stressful then the beginning of the year. I've never liked going

Granite Lake

 July 27 2018, My family and I went on a 4 mile hike up a mountain in Packwood Washington. The terrain was very rocky and steep but it was lots of fun. The weather was nice, but there were a lot of annoying bugs. There were flies the size of quarters! We also saw some lizards, pretty birds, exotic frogs, and little mice. I had to carry a big hiking bag up, my dad carried my sister, my mom carried the bag with water and food, and my brother just did whatever. I loved it because everything so green and pretty. Mt. Rainier from a view point on the trail Broken bridge we had to cross Little pond/water fall Trail The best part of the hike was by far the top. At the end of the hike there was beautiful Granite Lake surrounded by trees and jagged mountain tops. When we got there we ate and then went swimming. The water actually wasn't cold, it was like a nice swimming pool.   It was lots of fun, got some exercise out of it, so that's always a positive.☺️Mor

My Apology

I'm so sorry I haven't made a blog post in like forever. I told myself at least every week, but its been way more than that. Life has just been crazy lately, school and sports have kept me super busy. Not to mention all the homework I've had. School has been super stressful and I'm only 3 months into it. There has been a lot of drama in my social life and lots of confusion in my friend group. I feel like me and a couple of my friends are slowly drifting apart. I think we just need to all relax and make it through the school year without failing. On a more positive note, its Homecoming week! Today was pajama day and that's my favorite because its the one day i can have an excuse for looking terrible. I don't have a date to Homecoming so me and a couple of friends are just going to hang out at someones house and watch movies. I don't really like Homecoming (the dance) I like all the games and dress up days though. I think I'll add a few pictures I took a

Packwood Camping Trip

This weekend my family went on a camping trip to Packwood Washington. We have this little spot that we usually go to with a swimming hole. We planned on staying 4 nights but only made it 3, we were tired and ready to go home. It takes about 4 hours to get there, I just slept the entire time. We like camping in the mountains because the weather is extremely nice and everything is green and surrounded by pine trees (unlike where we live). View while driving Once we get to the campsite we have to set everything up, which is the worst part. Our site is down a small hill from the road so we have to walk everything down there. The site is too small to set up our big tent so we did 2 smaller ones. Since it is just a campsite in the middle of nowhere that someone made, there is no bathroom so we bring our own portable bathroom. The first thing we did after we set up all our stuff was go swimming in the water hole. There is a little trail that goes back into the woods a little and it opens